Friday, January 20, 2006

Killer Chicken Wings - Advanced
Eric Paulson
Buy it here
approximately 55 mins

I really enjoyed this video. Eric is a good instructor, clearly demonstrating the technique and packs each display with a lot of the little tips that make a difference. Hand placements, hip movement, every little thing.

The video is more advanced than the first doing chicken wing/kimura attacks from the guard; top and bottom position. Rolling moves into the chicken wing and of course being Eric Paulson some defense against leg locks and some variations into leg locks when the chicken wing doesn't succeed.

The video is shot like a small seminar. Eric displays the moves and really defines the important parts of each. This is well captured with steady camera work and good angles. After each set of moves are displayed the tape breaks into a training the techniques section. In these parts the small group of people practicing are shown doing the moves. It is apparent that skill levels are different in the group giving an idea what various scenarios arise while training. All the while Eric is moving about and coaching each pair through the technique. This is invaluable as I am sure I have run into the very issues that Eric is helping these people through. A great idea.

If I had to pick something that wasn't the best, it would have to be sound quality. At times it faded somewhat but never enough that Eric can't be heard, I did have to turn the volume up twice to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Well worth the investment. I play this one a lot.

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