Sunday, January 08, 2006

Muay Thai: The Most Distinguished Art of Fighting.
Authors: Panya Kraitus & Dr. Pitisuk Kraitus
244 Pages.

I bought this online here:
It was 12$ US there, shipping seem a lot at first but added up it was still cheaper than getting from North America. I can't remember exactly what it came to in Canadian dollars, but who cares buy it anyway. Shipping took about 3 weeks.

What can I say about this book that hasn't been said. Pretty much the most thorough book on the subject matter ever produced. I'll get to that but first that bad news.

Unfortunately this book suffers from some awful production quality. The text's font changes in mid paragraph and for no apparent reason. Sometimes it seems as though it is for emphasis but other times it just appears to be a whim. It is quite distracting in some cases.

Adding to the distraction is the sentence structure etc.. The book was clearly written by someone who speaks English as a second language. Much better than my Thai so who am I to complain? However in the sense of learning and understanding the work it is a negative.

Once last thing pretty much the only colour, glossy pages are advertisements. Yep in a book, a few sections of ads, that look like they belong in a magazine. Pictures of past seminars are one thing but some are obviously paid for advertisements. Not normal for a book in my experience. The rest of the pages are plain paper, black and white but all very clear photos and fonts (with the font change exceptions).

On to the good, and there is lots. Like many books on the subject, this one starts with history, ceremony, equipment and the Wai Khruu. It is very thorough in these aspects and the pictures are very interesting. The comprises about 90 pages of the book afterwhich the gem of the volume is discovered.

Chapter 23 shows clear drawings of the Mae Mai and Luk Mai. To me this is the greatest part of the book. Some of the techniques can be hard to follow at first but well worth the time to reread until you figure out what is going on. This section proves there is so much more to Muay Thai than round kick and teep. Buy the book for this section and everything else is a bonus.

The last half of the book is dedicated to the different attacking weapons of Thai Boxing. Lots of good pictures with plenty of description of when and how to use the attack and how to defend against it. I found it had quite a lot more variations than other books on the subject, the elbow and knee sections among my favourites. One thing missing, like in other books, is the clinch.

This book is considered "The" Muay Thai book for good reason. Really no practioner, or even fan of the sport should be without it.

Check out this related book : Legacy

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