Saturday, February 03, 2007

Peter Aerts Volume 5
Power Sparring & Equipment Training

This tape too is a wasted opportunity. No teaching happens at all. The ealier tapes of this series has some pointers from Peter on what he was doing. This volume and number 4 are just watching him, no teaching.

This tape does have Thom harinck holding pads which is interesting to watch but there are no tips on being a pad holder. Maurice Smith's tape does a better job in that aspect. Some of the segments really appeared to be more of the same, a 1 minute demo round of pad holding you could see in any Thai camp.

After this it moves to the heavy-bag work and really just repeats, punching the bag, kicking the bag, combos on the bag etc., though the segment of Peter peppering the bag with his famous lumberjack round kicks is a thing of beauty to behold. There are no tips on working the bag effectively or how many rounds to do or anything really instructional.

Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.