Ultimate Fight Night on Spike TV
I love Spike TV.
Leben vs Rivera
Chris Leben wins by convincing punching over Jorge Rivera. Whatever, I still don't like the guy. Not the kind of person I like to see representing the sport. Maybe his TUF persona was an act but it has coloured my opinion forever, first impressions and all that. It is getting hard to ignore his winning though.
Josh Burkman vs Drew Fickett
Burkman by guillitine choke ove the not quite so masterful Ficket(on this night anyhow). This match lasted just over a minute. That's two quick ones, I am holding out to see Jason von Flue on TV tonight. Two wins and Burkman is blabbing about 'his' title, thought saying he respects Matt HUghes and really wants Diego 'Dirty' Sanchez.
The historic hype announcement is coming. Going to shake the MMA world they say. If it is the Royce Gracie rumour that is floating around the Internet, I can really say I am more interested in Spike TV's new Blade series. Couture -Liddell 3 is getting the full treatment. But another mega fight is coming. Dana introduces the 'greatest weltterweight of all time' and the country music plays as Hughes wanders down to the cage(wonder how BJ Penn feels about that). His opponent appears to chimes of the original UFC theme, "the greatest fighter to ever step into the octagon" Royce Gracie. Blah. He is right, he did build the house but is it his anymore? Or did he forfeit on the mortgage by staying away so long? When does Blade start?
Bonnar vs Irvin
Maybe I'll get to see a flying knee knockout, that would make my night. Bonnar is okay, I like his interviews and he does fight well but for some reason I just don't care when he fights. Bonnar pushes Irvin up to the fence and takes him down. Some half guard scrambling takes place, a few light punches from Stefan and a Kimura/jujigatame attempt leads to Irvin springing up to his feet, only to be brought back down. Bonnar sinks a scary deep kimura/hammer lock and butIrvin won't tap, finally he does and Herb Dean stops the fight, probably saving the arm serious damage. Followed by another good interview by Stefan.
Goulet vs Ludwig
The lead in for this match lasted longer than the match itself. Goulet came right out of it after his head bounced off the floor. I thought at first it was stopped a little early, Bang landed hard but I thought Goulet would have been able to fight. His legs buckled and hit fell hard though so I guess it was fair. I expected better from Goulet I guess, oh well, more of both please. Especially if I can get a chance to hear Bas in the corner.
Sylvia vs Silva
Interesting move for Silva getting into a guardlike position with his back against the fence, making Tim hold both their weight up. It has to be stopped as Tim's pants are falling off. Lots of clinch work stops the long arms of Sylvia but nothing interesting happens. It gets separated again. Tim flurries and even jumps in with a knee, twicw. Lots of straight knees in the clinch. Silva absorbs it all and the fight goes to round two.
Silva opens with a spinning back kick to no avail. Silva continues to take shots from the outside and trys to bait Sylvia down to the ground but its a nogo. Silva gets inside and lands some good punches, cutting up Tim. again intot he standing guard move. When it breaks Silva is confident and it shows. Tim's reach keeps him honest though. Tim gets his own spinning kick and Silva nods. Tim gets a take down off a kick, off to round three.
another big spinning wheel kick for Silva to open. Silva is a little more offensive than Tim at the beginning. he is having a hard time getting inside though. Silva gets in and gets suplex position, Tim cheats and holds the fence. Jumping guard to make Tim hold the weight again. It gets broken up to the middle again. Silva lands the spinning back kick and gets a minor takedown that Tim recovers from quickly. Tim wins the last of the round by staying outside. Is it enough to put him over in the judges eyes?
Yep. 30-27 in two judges eyes which confuses me somewhat, I thought he won but not that convincingly. Arvloski is next.
Overall a great show. It's free and had good fights. Did I mention I love Spike TV?